The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has announced the formation of Innovandi – the Global Cement and Concrete Research Network (GCCRN) at the end of 2019. Innovandi focuses on projects to address sustainability and emissions challenges
The network ties together the cement and concrete industry with scientific institutions to drive and support global innovation with actionable research, building on the industry’s long-held commitment to ensuring a sustainable future. These comittments include, achieving an 19.2% reduction in CO2 per tonne of cementitious product since 1990 and increasing the use of alternative fuels eight-fold in that same timeframe.
Key innovation areas to be explored are below:
- Innovation in cement production – continuous innovations have already been delivered such as greater kiln and energy efficiencies, and many compelling projects are in progress. However, with the need to meet the Paris Agreement, the focus is now on breakthrough technologies such as CCUS and process electrification. Modern cement plants operate today at, or close to, the theoretical limits of efficiency, and therefore the deployment of CCUS seems to be an essential technology in the short to medium term perspective to meet future global climate change goals.
- Innovative cements including both new clinker substitutes and new types of clinker – there are a lot of interesting approaches in development and is it expected that from a mid-term perspective the new binding materials and systems will develop and enter the market for niche products.
- Business and services innovation in the whole value chain including digitization and BIM.

For more information please visit the official website via this link